Having grown up in this area in the late fifties and sixties, the book brings back many fond memories of my father being stationed at the submarine base when i was a teenager and working part time at the PX on base. The movie theater on base was $.25 to get in for a show. Ha! When we first came to Connecticut our family was billeted in those Quonset houses described in the book and remember that well and the swimming in Rock Lake on base. Also a trivia for all and I smile every time I see it. The picture displayed on the monument entrance to the base was a drawing competition back in the fifties of the diving tower and Nautilus with the atomic symbol around the sub drawn by myself for a competition for our BSA troop 18 of Groton neckerchief at the same time. It was never submitted for the base competition by myself but did end up having the submarine dolphins added and Naval Submarine Base added to the rendering. A pretty unique out come. Thanks for a great book!