Historic Dog Photobomb: Lockport Memories

pho·to·bomb - verb - to spoil (a photograph) by unexpectedly appearing in the camera’s field of view as the picture is taken.

We've all seen it—a perfectly posed photo with the group looking just right, then out of nowhere, an unplanned visitor sticks his or her head in the frame. At the Lockport Modern Mothers Club picnic in 1956, that unplanned visitor was a dog, front and center.

Modern Mothers Club picnic in the park, 1956. Courtesy Niagara County Historical Society

Modern Mothers Club picnic in the park, 1956. Courtesy Niagara County Historical Society

Congrats, dog, you're in a book! Or to be more specific, you made your way into the Lockport Memories pictorial history book.

Lockport Memories: A Pictorial History Celebrating Lockport's 150th Anniversary Cover
Lockport Union-Sun & Journal presents Lockport Memories: A Pictorial History Celebrating Lockport's 150th Anniversary

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