Casper Memories: The Glory Years

Bill Huffman, center left, shaking the hand of a customer at his Standard Service station at 1008 E. 2nd St., 1957. Standard Oil named it the “station of the year.” -- Courtesy of Carol Knapp

Bill Huffman, center left, shaking the hand of a customer at his Standard Service station at 1008 E. 2nd St., 1957. Standard Oil named it the “station of the year.”

Courtesy of Carol Knapp

Based on these images, it's hard to imagine a place more idyllic and beautiful than Casper in the 1940s, '50s, and '60s. 

Walgreen’s Soda Fountain staff, corner of Center and Second streets, 1945. Sixth from right is Mildred Burgess. -- Courtesy of Mildred Burgess

Walgreen’s Soda Fountain staff, corner of Center and Second streets, 1945. Sixth from right is Mildred Burgess.

Courtesy of Mildred Burgess

Natrona County High School student “Woman Haters Club,” 1942. Front row, from left: Vin Haley, Bill Drew. Back row: Jim Walsh, Phil Berry, Bob Burwell, Jack Corbridge, Eddie Beattie, Kenny Ludwig. -- Courtesy of Becky Steensland

Natrona County High School student “Woman Haters Club,” 1942. Front row, from left: Vin Haley, Bill Drew. Back row: Jim Walsh, Phil Berry, Bob Burwell, Jack Corbridge, Eddie Beattie, Kenny Ludwig.

Courtesy of Becky Steensland

Casper's glory years can be relived through these and hundreds of other truly classic photographs found in the Star-Tribune's new book, Volume II: Casper Memories!

Center Street looking south, mid 1960s. -- Courtesy of the Casper College Western History Center

Center Street looking south, mid 1960s.

Courtesy of the Casper College Western History Center


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Casper Star-Tribune presents Volume Two: Casper Memories: The 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

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