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Cover Announced for Denton Memories II

The final cover has been selected for our upcoming hardcover book, Denton Memories II: The 1940s, 1950s and 1960s.

The cover image, courtesy of University of North Texas Special Collections, depicts North Texas State Teachers College students at the counter inside Voertman’s Bookstore in Denton, 1942. Roy Voertman established the store in 1925 near campus as a general store for teachers. His son Paul grew up running around the college campus and attended the university’s “Demonstration School” through the 12th grade. Although Paul worked at the store on breaks from school, his intentions were to have a career as a teacher. After Roy passed away suddenly in 1951, Paul returned home from his Army assignment in Germany with the intention of selling the store. Only 23 at the time, Paul not only kept the store but helped it to become a very successful business, and eventually a commercial and cultural landmark in Denton.

As a pictorial history, this book provides a snapshot (well, many snapshots) of life, a glimpse into the day to day experiences of those who lived in Denton County from the bustling war years to the changing landscape of the 1960s.

Within the pages of this book you will see photos overlooking growing towns, streets filled with cars, people, and with community. You will see regular folks stepping up to serve their town and country in a time of need, giving their time, their money when they could, and whatever metal and rubber they could find.

There are photos of students learning and laughing, whether they be in a classroom, a lab, on a field trip, or simply sitting in their dorm room. New businesses, plants, airports, and community buildings can be viewed, the signs of a growing economy. You will even see some celebrities, political figures, and glimpses into shows and movies filmed in the area. 

Most of all you will see smiles, you will family, you will see life; maybe you will even see a memory.

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Denton Memories II: The 1940s, 1950s and 1960s Cover
Denton Record Chronicle presents Denton Memories II: The 1940s, 1950s and 1960s

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