Gift Guide For Puzzle Lovers

They may call themselves a puzzler, a jigsaw junkie, maybe even a proper "dissectologist." No matter the nickname, we have the perfect gift for the puzzle lover in your life.

The holiday season is on its way, and with the chill in the air comes the perfect excuse for you and your loved ones to stay in, cozy up, and chill out with their new puzzle from Pediment Publishing.

For the fan of historical photos

Niagara Street Buffalo Puzzle

Piece by piece, prepare to be transported to a bustling Niagara Street in Downtown Buffalo, New York, circa 1908. The McKinley Memorial Monument, dedicated in 1907, can be seen in the background. 

Boston and Maine Railroad Puzzle

Relive a moment in time at Riley Plaza in Salem, MA, atwitter with activity on a chilly morning as the sun rises behind a Boston and Maine Railroad engine leaving the depot, circa 1910.

Rattlesnake Joe Puzzle

The circus comes to town as a group of boys take in a show from Wild Rose and Rattlesnake Joe and their den of snakes at the Westchester County Fair, New York, circa 1910. The exhibit to the right looks even more exciting with its "beautiful mermaid captured alive."

For the sporty puzzler

Indianapolis 500 Puzzle

You will feel the grit and the glory of the Greatest Spectacle in Racing nearly “straightaway” with this photo from the 2019 Indianapolis 500. 

For the lover of striking scenery

Billings Gazette Yellowstone Puzzle

Gander at the grandeur of the Grand Prismatic Spring in Yellowstone as you build this vibrant photo puzzle. The scene captures the wonder of the spring in stunning detail. 

Whether you like to piece things together on breaks from work, or bring the family together on the weekend for some jigsaw joy, these gorgeous 500-piece puzzles are perfect for a wide range of ages and a variety of interests. 

Forget putting on mittens to brave the cold this winter. Let’s all stay inside and put our mitts on 500 pieces of fun!

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