Hollywood Stars Light Up the Quad-Cities

For a few days in 1950, the Quad-Cities became a Hollywood hot spot during the premier of Rock Island Trail, a western centered around the building of the first railroad from Rock Island, IL to Davenport, IA. The film, starring Forest Tucker, Adele Mara and Bruce Cabot, opened at three location in the Quad Cities.

Other famous faces in attendance for the premier of Rock Island Trail included Dale Evans and John Wayne.

From left: Forrest Tucker, Adele Mara, Bruce Cabot, Dale Evans and John Wayne wave from the back of a train after the world premier of “Rock Island Trail” at three Quad-City movie houses, 1950. -- Rock Island County Historical Society

From left: Forrest Tucker, Adele Mara, Bruce Cabot, Dale Evans and John Wayne wave from the back of a train after the world premier of “Rock Island Trail” at three Quad-City movie houses, 1950.

Rock Island County Historical Society

Find more historic images of the Quad-Cities in the Quad-City Times' new hardcover pictorial history book, Rise of the Quad-Cities.

Rise of the Quad-Cities: The 1940s, '50s, '60s and '70s Cover
Quad-City Times presents Rise of the Quad-Cities: The 1940s, '50s, '60s and '70s

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