Mason City and Clear Lake Memories: Car Trouble

In the early years of automobile transportation, road paving was sometimes more of an art than a science. One unfortunate Mason City motorist learned that the hard way.

A car stuck in a pothole next to Cut Rate Grocery, 1936. -- Mason City Public Library Archives

A car stuck in a pothole next to Cut Rate Grocery, 1936.

Mason City Public Library Archives

Thankfully, the Firestone service crew was around to get him squared away and back on the (bumpy) road.

The service department at Firestone Tires, 1935. Included in the photograph is C. Stillwell. -- Mason City Public Library Archives

The service department at Firestone Tires, 1935. Included in the photograph is C. Stillwell.

Mason City Public Library Archives

Hundreds more classic images like this can be found in the Globe Gazette's new book, Mason City and Clear Lake Memories: The 1800s - 1930s!

Mason City and Clear Lake Memories: The 1800s - 1930s Cover
Globe Gazette presents Mason City and Clear Lake Memories: The 1800s - 1930s


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