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Erie Memories Collection

Erie Memories: 125 Years of the Erie Region Cover
Erie Memories: 125 Years of the Erie Region
Erie Memories: Vol. II - The Early Years Cover
Erie Memories: Vol. II - The Early Years
Presented by
Erie Times-News (Erie, PA)

The Erie Times-News, in partnership with Erie County Historical Society, Fort LeBoeuf Historical Society, Hazel Kibler Museum, Fairview Area Historical Society, other local historical organizations and our readers, presents a special two-volume Erie pictorial history book set. This set includes our two hardcover books, Erie Memories Vol. I: 125 Years of the Erie Region and Erie Memories Vol. II: The Early Years. Volume I showcases the last 125 years of history across the Erie region in photos newspaper front pages. Volume II features the early years with photos from the 1800s through 1939. Get Vol. I and Vol. II in a set today! Don’t hesitate! Get this collector’s set now!

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